Thank you for your interest in contributing to Marly. Marly is an open-source project dedicated to simplifying unstructured data processing, and we welcome all types of contributions, from documentation improvements to bug fixes and new feature implementations.

Ways to Contribute πŸš€

Bug Reports and Feature Requests πŸ›πŸ’‘

If you encounter a bug or have an idea for a new feature:

  1. Check if the issue/feature has already been reported
  2. If not, create a new issue
  3. Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand and address the problem or implement the feature

Code Contributions πŸ–₯️

To contribute code:

  1. Comment on the issue you’d like to work on, so we can assign it to you
  2. Fork the Marly repository
  3. Clone your fork locally
  4. Create a new branch for your changes
  5. Make your changes and commit them with clear, descriptive messages
  6. Push your branch to your fork on GitHub
  7. Submit a Pull Request to the main Marly repository
  8. Ensure you follow our PR template and provide all required information
  9. Make sure all CI tests pass

We review Pull Requests regularly and will provide feedback.

Documentation Improvements πŸ“–

Clear and comprehensive documentation is crucial for Marly’s success. We appreciate contributions that:

  • Improve grammar or writing style
  • Clarify existing documentation
  • Add examples or tutorials
  • Fix typos or broken links

Share Your Marly Story πŸ“

Have you used Marly in an interesting project? We’d love to hear about it! Write a blog post or article about your experience and share it with the community. You can:

  • Submit your story as a markdown file to our repository
  • Post it on platforms like Medium or and share the link with us
  • Write about it on your personal blog and let us know

Your stories help others understand the real-world applications of Marly and inspire new use cases.

Thanks for helping us improve Marly

We’re excited to have you join the Marly community! Your contributions, big or small, play a vital role in making Marly better for everyone.

Join Our Community

Connect with other contributors and get help on our Discord server